Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where Is the Passion?

          So me and my roommates have this thing where sometimes we like finding ridiculous movies on Netflix and watching them. As we searched for something to watch one night, we came across the movie Music From Another Room. On Netflix it wasn't quite 3 stars...yet IMDB gives it 6.5....I say trust netflix ;). But, the awkwardness of the movie was actually quite great, so if you do love awkward movies than it is probably a 6.5 in your mind. But aside the fact that it was ridiculous and weird, .me being the philosophical person I am, was able to look past the awkwardness/ridiculousness of the movie and see the  great theme- passions. I started pondering:  "what are my passions" and yea I maybe freaked out a little bit thinking I didn't have any...of course that is ridiculous. I decided to come up with a list of my passions and my roommates even suggested we participate in one of our passions a day....This list includes things I get anxious/excited over or sad if they are not in my life...addictions/passions same thing right?

 Passions of 2012

  1. Running
  2. Perfume
  3. Jackets
  4. Working out
  5. Brown skin
  6. Justin Bieber/Niki Minaj, Rhianna..aka Music
  7. Hiking
  8. Out doors
  9. Tanning
  10. Sleeping In
  11. laughing
  12. Pictures
  13. Friends
  14. Family
  15. Hawaii
  16. Longboarding
  17. Summertime
  18. Walking barefoot
  19. Boys
  20. Shopping/Clothes
  21. Drinking Gatorade while eating Pretzels
  22. Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears
  23. Weddings
  24. My I-Phone
  25. Temples
  26. Disneyland
  27. California
  28. TV
  29. LOVE
  30. Driving with the music blasting and windows down
  31. Palm Trees
There ya go, that is my rough draft of a list. What are your passions? What do you do in your life to keep the passion alive? Share your ideas and I challenge you to do something everyday you are passionate about. Let's keep the PASSION in our lives :)!!!

Mucho Amor


  1. Dear Morgan,
    I have 3 things to say to you.

    1.Running, working out, hiking, and out doors all fall in the same category. Why don't you just summarize it by saying " i like being active".

    2. Walking barefoot? I hear the chances of you getting plantar warts highly increases by doing this. Please be cautious.

    3. Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears was not your best choice.

    I'll give you my list soon. That is all.

  2. How are jackets and nicki minaj above friends. And I love that I was just grouped into a general category of friends. Couldn't even list me by name.
    And there is always an order.

    1. The Beach
    2. Water Skiing
    3. Rock Climbing
    4. Reading in the Sunshine
    5. You
    6. Sea-foam (the candy and the oceany goodness)
    7. Music

    that's all for now

  3. Mariel
    1) in order for them to be passions you need to be specific..which is why i didn't group them in one category :)
    2) I love planter walking barefoot won't be a problem.
    3) One day you will see the goodness in Chocolate covered cinnamon bears!
    Oh and I think you are so great!

    Kari, don't be offended i just started typing, i have not specific order. and i love your list.

  4. I think you should post a photo of your chocolate bar
