Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where Is the Passion?

          So me and my roommates have this thing where sometimes we like finding ridiculous movies on Netflix and watching them. As we searched for something to watch one night, we came across the movie Music From Another Room. On Netflix it wasn't quite 3 stars...yet IMDB gives it 6.5....I say trust netflix ;). But, the awkwardness of the movie was actually quite great, so if you do love awkward movies than it is probably a 6.5 in your mind. But aside the fact that it was ridiculous and weird, .me being the philosophical person I am, was able to look past the awkwardness/ridiculousness of the movie and see the  great theme- passions. I started pondering:  "what are my passions" and yea I maybe freaked out a little bit thinking I didn't have any...of course that is ridiculous. I decided to come up with a list of my passions and my roommates even suggested we participate in one of our passions a day....This list includes things I get anxious/excited over or sad if they are not in my life...addictions/passions same thing right?

 Passions of 2012

  1. Running
  2. Perfume
  3. Jackets
  4. Working out
  5. Brown skin
  6. Justin Bieber/Niki Minaj, Rhianna..aka Music
  7. Hiking
  8. Out doors
  9. Tanning
  10. Sleeping In
  11. laughing
  12. Pictures
  13. Friends
  14. Family
  15. Hawaii
  16. Longboarding
  17. Summertime
  18. Walking barefoot
  19. Boys
  20. Shopping/Clothes
  21. Drinking Gatorade while eating Pretzels
  22. Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears
  23. Weddings
  24. My I-Phone
  25. Temples
  26. Disneyland
  27. California
  28. TV
  29. LOVE
  30. Driving with the music blasting and windows down
  31. Palm Trees
There ya go, that is my rough draft of a list. What are your passions? What do you do in your life to keep the passion alive? Share your ideas and I challenge you to do something everyday you are passionate about. Let's keep the PASSION in our lives :)!!!

Mucho Amor


Day 4: Something I crave

Okay so when I saw what day four was I started thinking of things I craved, both food and non food. So I will share with you my non food craving and my food craving. But do not judge my non food craving because it is kinda cliche, what can I say I am a girl and everyone loves cliche things, which is why they are so cliche right?! Here we go

Non-food Craving: True Deep Love, okay I know what you are thinking, but honestly I can't wait for the time in my life when I find that love where I am just so happy and want to tell the whole will be great. Umm yep that's all I got to back up my True Deep Love Craving :).... here let this picture inspire you

Yes, this is Rhianna

Food Craving: French Fries...Yes, I am American I love them SO much, I also just love carbs and dipping them in sauce...but it has to be fry sauce because I hate ketchup! Beer battered fries are the best..maybe i just crave beer....Whenever I go out to eat I always make sure whatever i am ordering comes with fries, even if the main part of the meal doesn't sound that appealing I know the fries will be divine...and you ask why i don't just order's fine. . 

You can't look at these and not want some!

So there ya go, these are my cravings. Now you know more about me without even having to talk to me...don't you love the new age of technology.... :).

Mucho Amor

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leap Into A New Life

This is going in the books as best leap year activity ever!

Tomorrow Is February 29th....and how often does that day come around?! Leap Year gives us an extra day in the year! So what are we/you going to do with that extra day, act like it's a normal day...I sure hope not. I mean think about it, we are given an extra day... how many papers were you asked to write in high school on topics such as "what would you do if you were given an extra day in the year". Well here is our chance...let's not let it slip by.

 My thoughts:

 First I wanted to pretend the day didn't exist and skip my "responsibilities" aka class...but as I further thought about this idea, I realized I have an assignment due in one class and a test in another...So that idea was out, because well I am becoming more mature these days. 

Second: Try something new, something I have never done before, but have always wanted to do....but what is this thing exactly..I have less than 24 hours to figure it out.

Third: Come up with some sort of activity or tradition that I can do on leap day and leap day only, It's kind of a fun idea (of course it is...because I came up with it.)...but like the second idea...what will my once every four year tradition be?

What will you do on February 29th- Leap Day? Whatever you end up doing I hope you embrace it. Share your ideas of fun exciting things to do on Leap Day.

Mucho Amor

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Memories That Last

Day 3 Favorite Picture:

Okay so maybe more like blogging once a month is a reasonable goal for me, since well the whole twice a week thing def failed. I have this great idea to share my New Years resolutions on here... but that will have to be saved for the next post because I am tired and I just wanted make a quick post. So here is my favorite Picture at this time:

New Years and Work friends... truly BEST night EVER 2012!!

LOVE my "family" and Disneyland

Yea.... I fail at choosing just one here are two of my favorite pictures at the moment. The first one is with my work friends: Meish, Vanessa, and Jordan; they bring me much happiness so the picture makes my heart happy!
The second picture is with my "family" on our last Disneyland trip...we are just so cute and it reminds me of all the great times I had with them...especially my cute funny little sisters.

Happy 2012! Let us make memories that will last this year and give us many new favorite pictures. Be Happy and Leave No Room For Regret.

Mucho Amor