Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bieber Fever

Alright I'll admit it, I have Bieber Fever...but I mean really is it that big of a surprise to those of you who know me?!..I sure hope not, because I mean really he fits all the criteria:

  1.  skater boi, check
  2. Young boi(this is not meant to be pedophile)...check
  3. Shaggy hair...check
  4. Pretty face...check
  5. Sings ridiculous pop songs...check
Yep he's pretty much got it all for me to jut love him, so naturally when i saw the trailer for his new movie, I got super excited...and it may just be me, but it looks pretty good to. Now all I need is someone to come see it with me :), any takers?!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Favorites-BYU Football

Last Saturday being BYU's last home game and This Saturday being the BYU vs Utah game, it's only fitting i express my thankfulness for this sport.

I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to go to the games and sit with friends and family. Ever since I was a little girl,yes you can call me  brainwashed, I remember wearing a BYU shirt/sweatshirt and sitting in crisp fall air watching some good  BYU football. Once I made it to collegem even though I attend UVU, I as able to purchase a BYU all sports pass, allowing me into all BYU sport games..mostly used for football and basketball. Being able to go to games with friends was one of the best times know copying the cheerleader moves and dancing on the bleachers (which is how i met Amy, we were sitting with some mutual guy friends of ours and we both started dancing on the bleachers and become the best of friends!)

Anyway BYU football brings me so much joy, I love the thrill of watching the plays and thinking: are they gonna catch the ball?, run the ball?, make the touch down? oh and let's not forget the times when I get to sit with my family and eat delicious food in the cougar club tent before the game, at half time, and get delicious free drinks and treats!

Ah it's so exciting! So Today i am thankful for BYU football because i get an adrenaline rush while watching it, I get to see my family, I get to be surrounded by people all enjoying the same game, and i get to enjoy the awesome stadium music, it's great. So whatever your sport or college team go out and enjoy the LIFE it brings to you as you stand in that stadium surrounded by others, who share your same love for the game.

 The fam at the Vegas bowl..and Yes it WAS freezing in Vegas.
The impulse Washington watch some BYU football!

We just love games!

Me with some of my favorite nieces

Me and Kari at the last home game this year

Friday, November 19, 2010


Today i am thankful for longboarding!! Yes, it may have been the activity that put me over the edge and made me confirm the fact that I AM sick..i woke up this morning with a great fever. Besides the fact that i woke up sick this morning, and sometimes it scratches up my shoes/clothes/body Longboarding is great!

Yesterday was 54 degrees, the best fall longboarding day in Utah ever!!! So upon waking i knew i wanted to longboard at somepoint during the day! So i tried to get Katelyn (lauren's sister) to come with me, while i was waiting for her to say she could go i started feeling more sick, but then Zach brought his longboard over and i went with him and Jaron to get ice cream and i was feeling great! So, naturally after katelyn said she was sick and couldn't go, Zach and I headed up to the Canyon!! And oh my gosh, it was the BEST!! It was one of the most brightest nights EVER, and Zach and i discovered a new park that we rode around in..which was probably my favorite part!

So why am i thankful for longboarding? Because i feel free when i ride on it, i feel pretty much like the coolest person ever, It's an outside sport that helps me enjoy nature, and last of all it brings me and my friends together! Longboarding may be the best recreational sport, i will miss it dearly once snow hits the sidewalks!

Monday, November 15, 2010

An Artist's Inspiration

Friday night i was inspired by a great canvas painting. I was in my apt complex's clubhouse playing pool and i just kept thinking how cool the painting was and that i wanted one just like it!! So naturally, because of my new obsession to be artsy/creative, i came home and started sketching what I hope will eventually become my own Canvas painting. Below is my sketch of what i have accomplished so far. I wish i could have found a good picture of my inspirational piece, but sadly i couldn' might just have to come to the club house and see it yourself.

Creating this has made me happy! I am so excited to paint it, so i hope you enjoy it, and find something you enjoy to do as well!

each square will eventually represent a piece of who i am

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


You might wonder what makes me think you are the coolest person ever right off the bat? Well I will tell you, if you are a boy it's defiantly having your hair styled in a Mullet!!

My new boyfriend!
Okay so you may think i am weird, but i am kinda in love with Mullets this year!  I had a dream about Mullets the other night, sure call me obsessed, so i thought I'd share my love for them with you guys..and maybe even sway you into loving them too :)!

Now don't get me wrong, i am not a fan of the white trash nasty mullets...just the well groomed ones, i especially love them on skater boys, surprise right? HA. Anyway  I think they are the coolest haircuts in the world plus Zach even found a book titled Mullet: Hairstyle of the Gods, (makes a great gift, if ya know what i mean :) ) now if that title doesn't convince you to love mullets i don't know what will.

What has come from this love of Mullets, Well the decision to give my little boys the coolest mullet hairstyles EVER. And the new idea that nothing could make me happier than making a friend with a goal, i think so!  Even though this love has had much disapprovel from my mom and even friends...I just can't help myself..they are SO cool!  So just come out and say it, You love mullets too!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Gift of Gratitude

It has arrived, the month de Noviembre! This month helps us focus on our blessing and what we should be thankful for, yes we should be doing this everyday, but thank goodness we have a month dedicated to it. From Pres. Monson's Talk The Divine Gift of Gratitude (i strongly encourage you to read, or re-read it!) he asks, "Do we remember to give thanks for the blessings we receive?" The more I thought about this question, the more I thought about ways I can show my thanks for my blessings.

Every year around this time/Thanksgiving I like to make a list of my favorite things. For me showing thanks for blessings or what I am grateful for is making them some of my favorite things to do, be with, study, or visit. So for the month of November I will share with you some of my new favorites this year, look for my favorites posts every week!

I know our Heavenly Father blesses us with things in our lives that make us happy and can help us grow. I love thanksgiving and learning the gift of gratitude. I tried to find my favorite part from Pres. Monson's talk to sahre, but i love it all, so i am gonna put another plug in for it and say READ IT, but i will say reading the account from Matthew and realizing they were focusing on only what was lacking made me realize how often I do that and need to change. This talk will remind you of the simple joys we receive from being grateful!
"When we encounter challenges and problems in our lives, it is often difficult for us to focus on our blessings. However, if we reach deep enough and look hard enough, we will be able to feel and recognize just how much we have been given." -Pres. Monson-