Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Cure For A Bad Day.

        You know that one moment in the day that only last 20 min, but ruins your whole day or that one little bit of information that just makes you wanna cry and go home never to see the world again? Let's face it we all have those days and sometimes they really suck.

          My day of not so happy-ness just happened to be yesterday. I had just returned from a much needed wonderful fall break, where i didn't once touch any sort of school work or work its self. As known before i left i had an in class writing letter assignment for my business communications class the day i returned. I was lucky enough to be given the computer that is having problems printing, so i had to email my letter to my teacher, simple task right...that's what i thought. I saved my document and went into my email and clicked on add attachment...well my "saved" document could not be found in any this time the next class had come in and started class...i was feeling rushed and kept trying to find out what was happening, i walked to my teachers office only to find she was not there..i returned to the classroom(where the next class was going on) and tried again..i effenutally just copied and pasted my letter into an email...i was very upset and hated school at this moment!

         Well i was relieved to be done with school for the day I started heading to my car mumbling under my breath about how stupid school was! When i was half way to the parking lot i remembered i had in fact NOT parked in the usual parking lot i park in...i had parked in the lot clear across campus...well that just put me over the edge...from that point on i had decided: this day sucks! It may seem ridiculous that i let such little events effect me so much, but in the moment they seem like a HUGE deal!

You're probably wondering what good thing came out of yesterday. Well lots of things, but I rediscovered what makes me happy or what i like to title my list of happiness: The cure To Morgan's Bad Days.
  1.  Indulging in some good online television: "better with you"
  2.  Taking a much needed nap
  3. Jogging in fresh fall weather..that's a given, but i could run forever on bad days.
  4. Discovering old music you haven't listed to in forever that you love. 
  5.  Enjoying amazing weather
  6.  Talking with friends
  7.   Hanging out with kari at her Grandma's cozy home!...there is something about homes that just make you feel better inside!

The bad days are going to come, but what are we going to do to conquer them. Whether its watching your favorite tv show, enjoying the beauties of fresh air, or enjoying others company, God has given us life and the bright out look of the gospel to keep us going, and to eventually change our attitudes. What cures you on your bad days? Oh I can't forget to put a plug in for's a cure for any girls bad day!


  1. Longboarding.
    Longboarding will cure anything.
    Except for a concussion.
    It seems to make those worse.

  2. Amen...i need a longboarding friend in Provo..because sometimes i am scared to go by myself.
