Monday, October 25, 2010

Hockey Vs. Opera

This past week i had 2 NEW experiences; going to a hockey game and going to an opera. Now you may not think you can compare the two..but from my experiences you most certainty can :).

When you hear the phrase "Hockey Game" you probably think "fun,exciting, intense fights, some good ice action" right??...well Friday night may or may not have proved that theory wrong. Granted i had never really been to a hockey game before, so i did not know any of the rules. So Lauren, Felipe,  Damion (sp.) and i showed up to the BYU Utah State game right after the 1st quarter had just ended it was 1-0 for Utah State, not bad right. Okay well in the 2nd quarter Utah State scored 10 pts and BYU scored can just imagine how fun that was...BYU could not get a handle on the puck at all..they always lost control! We left after the 2nd quarter to go play rockband..needless to say my favorite part of the whole game was the breaks where they played music and talking to Lauren. At least we had 2 for 1 coupons.

Now for Opera. When you hear Opera most people may think "long and boring". Well Thursday night i attended Mozarts Magic Flute put on by BYU's performing arts students. The opera is about a prince and his feathery friend who set off to find their true loves. Well if anyone knows me, you know i am a sucker for love...i am basically a hopeless romantic :). The singers were very good and i loved the humor, my favorite character is papagano...he is a bird catcher he kinda of represents the normal folk of us all. His costume with all the feathers and colors was my favorite! and of course he meets his papagana...and they have the cutest little papgana/o's! Of course the performance was a little long for my liking (3hrs), we got free tickets and maybe an idea for Halloween costumes, i might even say i enjoyed this more than the hockey game...

Soo the moral of the story... next time you are given the choice of attending a Hockey Game or An may want to think twice about your decision. :). Also don't be afraid to go out and experience new things, who knows what you will learn or find!


  1. That's just because I am better at picking activities. :) You should have known anything I suggest will be AWESOME

  2. Bwahaha great. The hockey game WAS super pathetic! I was embarrassed to be supporting BYU. But at least we got to meet Abby's love. And play rockband. And eat at pizza pie cafe.
