Tuesday, November 9, 2010


You might wonder what makes me think you are the coolest person ever right off the bat? Well I will tell you, if you are a boy it's defiantly having your hair styled in a Mullet!!

My new boyfriend!
Okay so you may think i am weird, but i am kinda in love with Mullets this year!  I had a dream about Mullets the other night, sure call me obsessed, so i thought I'd share my love for them with you guys..and maybe even sway you into loving them too :)!

Now don't get me wrong, i am not a fan of the white trash nasty mullets...just the well groomed ones, i especially love them on skater boys, surprise right? HA. Anyway  I think they are the coolest haircuts in the world plus Zach even found a book titled Mullet: Hairstyle of the Gods, (makes a great gift, if ya know what i mean :) ) now if that title doesn't convince you to love mullets i don't know what will.

What has come from this love of Mullets, Well the decision to give my little boys the coolest mullet hairstyles EVER. And the new idea that nothing could make me happier than making a friend with a mullet..new goal, i think so!  Even though this love has had much disapprovel from my mom and even friends...I just can't help myself..they are SO cool!  So just come out and say it, You love mullets too!


  1. Please do not ever discuss your views with Felipe. I'm afraid what will happen if he feels like he has support

  2. Oh my gosh Brittany! I have always known we were soul mates..i am glad you agree with me! And that book sounds amazing!.
