Friday, November 19, 2010


Today i am thankful for longboarding!! Yes, it may have been the activity that put me over the edge and made me confirm the fact that I AM sick..i woke up this morning with a great fever. Besides the fact that i woke up sick this morning, and sometimes it scratches up my shoes/clothes/body Longboarding is great!

Yesterday was 54 degrees, the best fall longboarding day in Utah ever!!! So upon waking i knew i wanted to longboard at somepoint during the day! So i tried to get Katelyn (lauren's sister) to come with me, while i was waiting for her to say she could go i started feeling more sick, but then Zach brought his longboard over and i went with him and Jaron to get ice cream and i was feeling great! So, naturally after katelyn said she was sick and couldn't go, Zach and I headed up to the Canyon!! And oh my gosh, it was the BEST!! It was one of the most brightest nights EVER, and Zach and i discovered a new park that we rode around in..which was probably my favorite part!

So why am i thankful for longboarding? Because i feel free when i ride on it, i feel pretty much like the coolest person ever, It's an outside sport that helps me enjoy nature, and last of all it brings me and my friends together! Longboarding may be the best recreational sport, i will miss it dearly once snow hits the sidewalks!


  1. I love how longboarding is such a big part of our lives that we feel the need to blog about it even :) Let's get to St George NOW and longboard, deal?

  2. Bwhaha I love your picture choices
