Monday, November 1, 2010

Gift of Gratitude

It has arrived, the month de Noviembre! This month helps us focus on our blessing and what we should be thankful for, yes we should be doing this everyday, but thank goodness we have a month dedicated to it. From Pres. Monson's Talk The Divine Gift of Gratitude (i strongly encourage you to read, or re-read it!) he asks, "Do we remember to give thanks for the blessings we receive?" The more I thought about this question, the more I thought about ways I can show my thanks for my blessings.

Every year around this time/Thanksgiving I like to make a list of my favorite things. For me showing thanks for blessings or what I am grateful for is making them some of my favorite things to do, be with, study, or visit. So for the month of November I will share with you some of my new favorites this year, look for my favorites posts every week!

I know our Heavenly Father blesses us with things in our lives that make us happy and can help us grow. I love thanksgiving and learning the gift of gratitude. I tried to find my favorite part from Pres. Monson's talk to sahre, but i love it all, so i am gonna put another plug in for it and say READ IT, but i will say reading the account from Matthew and realizing they were focusing on only what was lacking made me realize how often I do that and need to change. This talk will remind you of the simple joys we receive from being grateful!
"When we encounter challenges and problems in our lives, it is often difficult for us to focus on our blessings. However, if we reach deep enough and look hard enough, we will be able to feel and recognize just how much we have been given." -Pres. Monson-

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